Justice Ginsburg said Roe was “breathtaking” in scope and wondered whether more “measured motions” would have been appropriate. We agree.

We’ve filed an amicus brief for every Supreme Court abortion case in history.




June Medical

City of Baltimore

AAPLOG cares for both patients.

  • Abortions done prior to a first full-term pregnancy significantly increase a woman's risk of breast cancer (see our Committee Opinion on this)

    • “It is known that having a full-term pregnancy early in a woman’s childbearing years is protective against breast cancer[.]”  Planned Parenthood, Myths About Abortion and Breast Cancer

  • Abortions significantly increase a woman's risk of preterm birth in future pregnancies, specifically preterm birth before 32 weeks and especially those done in the 2nd trimester

  • Abortions increase a woman's risk of mental health disorders - including suicide, depression, anxiety and substance abuse

  • Abortions end the life of a preborn human being, something that nearly 100% of biologists agree on. Many of these fetal human beings can feel pain at the time the abortion is done.


Abortion is not healthcare.


AAPLOG relies on unbiased, peer-reviewed studies.


Learn about ACOG’s politicization on abortion.

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